About Me
I fell in love with the health coaching profession after working with a heath coach many years ago when I was managing my own health issues. I subsequently enrolled at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), to do a deep dive into holistic nutrition and lifestyle dynamics and became a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. I was already familiar with the coaching profession having trained at MentorCoach as well as CoachU.
Being a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker for the last 20 plus years has enhanced my ability to genuinely connect with people, bringing presence, and deep listening skills. I also specialize I insomnia being a CBT-I practitioner because so often sleep disregulation stems from having an inflamed microbiome. As I was trained in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, I often incorporate somatic techniques in my sessions with clients because so often they are holding stress and tension in their bodies and are unaware of it and how it contributes to their digestive distress.
I know first-hand how powerful the coaching relationship can be when you partner with the right practitioner who can champion your health goals. I derive great pleasure in educating, engaging and empowering people to make lasting changes to optimize their wellness, health and become the most evolved version of themselves.
What is one change you could make to your health right now that would be life-altering?